The Purusharthas can be translated in Sanskrit as the “goals of human existence” or “the soul’s purpose.”
In this engaging three hour workshop we will learn about these four aims, how we can connect them to our lives now, and what we might be able to do to set ourselves on a more steady course towards their attainment.
We will spend time talking, in silent contemplation, journaling and creating simple art that reflects our desires and illuminates a pathway to greater ease and freedom. This class is great for yoga teachers wanting to know more about Vedanta, yoga students wanting to better understand their practice, and anyone who would benefit from some focused time for reflection and recalibration.
This class will include 45 mins - hour of light asana.
This session is part of a 4 course series Molly is offering while in Seattle.
$55 each
two classes: $100
three classes: $135
four classes: $160